The Fastest Ways to Add Formatting Features To Excel Worksheets

Excel has a number of formatting tools as well as techniques, along with as many shortcuts Excel Worksheetthat let you invigorate a worksheet, provide emphasis for the selected cells, and present the information in a lively and informative way. A worksheet that is filled with numbers, however valuable, can be boring and lifeless; but an attractive worksheet gives your data the attention it rightly deserves. By adjusting fonts, borders, and the cell color, adjusting the positioning of cell contents, and also formatting the numeric data, you can easily add style and readability to the worksheets. You can also waste a great deal of time if you don’t know the many shortcuts and techniques that actually accelerate your formatting tasks. You can take the drudgery out of formatting data if you learn vital keystroke shortcuts and the fastest, most efficient ways in order to optimize a worksheet’s appearance. Learn the nuances of Excel formatting, with this audio session by Dennis Taylor.

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The Magical Excel Power Formulas and Functions

Working with the formulas and functions in MS-Excel is absolutely critical to building powerful financial and analytical worksheets and is probably the most crucial skill set for the many Excel users. Built in to MS-Excel are over 400 functions, a potent set of power tools that just simplify the certain kinds of formulas and give you a huge number of computational possibilities. Many MS-Excel functions provide the extended analytical capabilities and also open the door to more efficient use of MS-Excel, but with over 400 built-in functions, it’s not an easy task to know which functions are actually available and which ones you might have overlooked. This audio session by Dennis Taylor gives you a perspective on what type of functions are available and explains (with extensive examples) how to actually use many of them, including: the IF function (with AND and OR), the powerful VLOOKUP function, selected DateStatisticalFinancial, and Mathematical functions, and the most frequently overlooked Text functions, crucial for cleaning up the problems with downloaded data. In addition to this, the powerful COUNTIF/SUMIF family of functions, as well as the special-purpose Array functions as well as the formulas are also covered.

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