Principles of Effective Performance Management

A good appraisal system is one which makes the whole process a big time growth opportunity for employees. Like in every system, it’s important to identify the gap when there’s a deviation from what should be done and how to write effective appraisals. This article aims to help you prepare and conduct a good appraisal interview and questions that will give you the maximum results from it. The art of providing constructive feedback and how to praise and criticize performance positively is essential for any appraisal system.  Apart from that setting effective goal—short term and long term for performance appraisals can boost up your employees morale and growth eventually.

So let’s talk about some principles of effective performance management. First of all, the employee has to understand the performance standards and exception. If the employee doesn’t accept the standards, there’s not going to be any coaching. Nothing will happen. And just complying with the standard isn’t behavior improvement. The employee has to respect the supervisor integrity. (And last,) to believe the supervisor really does have his or her good growth at heart, there’s got to be a climate of confidence. On the other hand, the supervisor should also have confidence in the employee’s integrity and their ability to do their job. If either one (be it supervisor or employee) is lacking, than there won’t be confidence or trust, and the whole thing will fall flat on the ground. Hence, both the boss and the employee have to agree in the goals of the relationship. And the employee needs to be improved as a person and must be respected for their honesty, courage, skills and ability and so on. And the boss should also be vocal about his praise for the employee, and he should constantly that is day after day and week after week appreciate the employee like—, “I’m really glad you’re doing this. You’re doing a great job. You’ve got great skills. I’m glad you’re in our department.”

It’s important for the supervisor to motivate, so that the employee responds to their coaching positively. And the employee has to see a benefit in the process, if there’s no benefit in the interaction whether it’s the formal appraisal or the interaction everyday, nothing’s going to happen. The employee has to feel that that coaching will satisfy some personal need. He or she must be psychologically ready to accept it, need like improving on the job, convenience of feeling a set of confidence. So any (order) that’s simply impost won’t last. It has to be a joint effort.  And the coaching has to tackle a real problem, not just the symptoms that you see. So, let’s say somebody is coming in late. You just can’t say, “Well, look, you got to be here at 8 o’clock, not 8:30 and 8:30” but to find out, “Why are you late? What can we do about that? What can you do about it?”

And other principles, the employee has to take responsibility for their own growth. I mean in other words, you can’t change people. You can only create condition where they decide to change themselves. So they’ve got to take an active part in the process. They got to see the process as a joint a project that will diagnose the problems, consider alternate solutions and develop ways to deal with them. And there’s not going to be any learning unless the employee change behavior, improve skills and accepts no ideas. No training can take place unless there’s a change in behavior. And to determine the value where in the supervisor has to follow-up. You just can’t give appraisal one day and say, “Okay, see you next year” but rather it got to be ongoing. So a good performance appraisal system is one where the performance appraisal process goes on and on and on!

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