Last year, President Barack Obama signed into law a bill—the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (BBA) – that significantly changes
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Recognizing the need for an alcohol and drug free transportation industry, the United States Congress passed the Omnibus Transportation Employee
...Continue reading3 Ways to Create a Transgender-Friendly Campus Climate
A growing number of students are coming out as transgender at colleges and universities across the country. However, most institutions
...Continue readingChanging U.S. Cosmetics and Personal Care Product Laws – The PCPSA and the Safe Cosmetics Modernization Act
Cosmetics, soaps, lotions and many other personal care products are used by everyone in their daily lives. We trust that
...Continue readingTelemedicine – The Technological Step towards Easily Accessible Healthcare
The Healthcare industry is shifting to more value based considerations as an approach to generate additional income, cut expenses and
...Continue readingAn Overview of Bed Bug Infestation in the U.S
Bed bug infestation is a serious problem throughout the country today, and though there is quite a bit of information
...Continue readingGet the Facts on Undocumented Students – Past and Present
Millions of students graduate from American high schools every year. There are about 65,000 undocumented graduates students that are counted
...Continue readingImplementing Retention and Student Success Strategies that Make a Difference
Have you heard of the old adage, that you might also have heard from a professor – ‘Look to your
...Continue reading6 Tips to Pass Your Audits in Flying Colors
Despite the fact that internal auditors have no influence about whether and when they are the subject of a Medicare
...Continue readingWhy Dementia Patients Are Under-Enrolled In Hospice Programs?
Almost 46% of nursing facility residents and 21% of seniors living in the community suffers from possible dementia. Dementing illnesses
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