5 Simple Steps to Create an Emergency Plan

It is important to understand first, that why is it so important to have an organization Emergency Planemergency plan in place. Though most cities have their own emergency plans, each organization should plan against contingencies so that they are prepared, and control physical or environmental damage to employees or customers. Unplanned events like fire, storm, attacks, blackouts, floods etc. are unique to your organization. Here are 5 steps which will help you create an emergency plan and keep up with the emergency regulations.

  1. Setting up an Internal Planning Team: You should first set up an internal planning team based on the strength and size of your operations, resources and requirements. Then, you would require establishing authority clearly within the group without being rigid so as to limit a free flow of ideas. Post this, you’d have to develop a mission statement which will help define the purpose of the plan and indicate that it is going to involve the whole organization. Finally, you will need to establish a schedule and budget by planning deadlines. Develop the initial budget for emergency operation plan.
  2. Analyze the Capabilities and Hazards Involved: You should start this part of Organization emergency plan with reviewing internal plans and policies. These include documents such as building evacuation and fire plans, risk management plans etc. Next, you should proceed to identify critical products, services and operations by determining what potential impact could an emergency to do your workplace and to the possible backup systems. Then you should go on Identifying internal resources and capabilities, external resources and list potential emergencies.
  3. Develop Plan: The organization emergency plan should start with an executive summary which will describe the purpose and scope of the plan etc. It should also have the emergency management elements which will define your organization’s approach to the key elements of your plan and Emergency response procedures which will say how your department or agency is going to respond to emergencies, if any.
  4. Exercising the Plan: Just before you finally implement the organization plan, you should exercise the plan by selecting various objectives you need to exercise, select relevant scenario messages, having a tabletop agenda and assure that tabletop exercises precede just like they are scheduled.
  5. Implement the plan: you will finally implement the plan, which is more than simply exercising it. You should act on recommendations which are made during vulnerability analysis, train the employees accordingly and evaluate your plan.

While you are thus busy in designing a plan, you should be mindful about some common mistakes that organizations make these days while they create emergency plans. Experts have identified 17 such commonly made mistakes and expert speaker Bo Mitchell is going to talk about them and explain how you can solve them in his webinar,Protecting Your People & Your Posterior: 17 Common Mistakes in Emergency Plans Like Yours & How to Correct Them. Join the session to understand about these mistakes and accordingly correct them so that you are updated with the emergency regulations.

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