A motley group of individuals, we have been in the business of providing professional training services for learners across the globe. Growing a $40,000 company to a multi-million dollar venture was not only satisfying – but exhilarating. Our success spawned several me-too copy cats & suddenly today we have just about every Tom, Dick & Harry claiming to provide great training. No prizes in guessing who lost out in this proverbial gold rush.
As time changed, we all lost sight of what YOU, our customer, have been really asking for. In-depth information, formats that are easy to consume, provided at a time of your choosing, certifications & most importantly – Clarity.
- Clarity of what the training is really about (not shrouded in jargon),
- Clarity on why it’s important & relevant for you,
- Clarity of pricing & whether it’s value for money &
- Clarity to help choose the right training among all the vendors out there
This is our attempt to make amends. It will be our endeavour to help you discover the right training, answer queries related to your continuing education needs and provide clarity in all that can help you succeed in your professional journey. Be sure to let us know how we are faring.

WHY we do it
Professionals need to keep learning
To do their job better
To grow & succeed in their careers
To be compliant (regulatory) & avoid penalties
Your Challenges
- Finding relevant & quality training
- Finding time to search for the right training
- Finding time to go through required training
- Cost & perhaps ROI
We want to help solve these challenges. We want you to be better.
What we do
- Provide access to curated content – irrespective of formats, that’s educational, topical, timely, relevant, taught by SME’s, with certification options
- Provide a platform that can be used by learners, content creators to access, learn, provide feedback, be compliant & generate revenue
Our intent is to provide learners a single platform where curated compliance trainings are available from specialized training providers across the globe. Our offerings are vetted by thousands of clients who swear by the knowledge of the experts who impart them. It is also to offer subject matter experts a chance to interact directly with clients in a transparent manner & monetize their experience without worrying about the niggling logistical efforts of conducting trainings – we take care of that.
How we do it
We scour the web to curate the most appropriate & timely learning material so that you don’t waste your time searching. Our team of researchers & educators evaluate the trainers & the topics for their relevance, timeliness & suitability using a mix of AI and some good old rolling up of the sleeves kind of research. We are also deploying technology to map your learning pathway & recommend trainings / content so that you get the right training when you need it & at a value price.
Providing choice + Saving you time & money
The traditional consumer profile is of those in management, influencer and leadership positions – C-Suite, Managers, Leaders, influencers, professionals, HR executives, etc. So we know how stretched you are with your daily tasks and how very important your time is. Our endeavour is to help you quickly reach your needed learning fast & in one place. Since cost is a determining factor, we will work on bringing you trainings that are affordable & provide multiple options, wherever available, for you to choose.

Let’s work together
Let us know what you are looking for & we shall try to get that for you.
Or just let us know what you think
And do visit our Home page for updates
Thank you for visiting us. We do hope you find what you are looking for. Else feel free to reach out. Looking forward to hearing from you.