Mods You Need for Unexpected Work Changes, and a Toolkit for Those Pesky Denials
Modifier Use in OB/GYN. Proper coding is key to a smooth-running office and billing department, but not all codes are easy to interpret. Case in point: Modifiers 22, 52, and 53. Each pertains to an unexpected hiccup in OB/GYN services—nailing them is critical for accurate billing, but they invite increased scrutiny and may be the cause of pesky denials.
Relax—coding pro Lori-Lynne Webb has your back. Webb has more than 25 years of experience in coding and specializes in womens’ health. Join Webb in this fast-paced two-part webinar as she explains the mods, when to and when to not use them, and how to handle pre-authorizations. She will also equip you with a toolkit you can pull out and put to use if and when denials come your way.
After attending the ‘Modifier Use in OB/GYN’ event, you will know how to quickly submit an appeal, when to do when bundled codes are denied under special circumstances, and what clinical documentation is needed when submitting an appeal. You will also get helpful tips and hints you can pass on to staff and which will improve your office’s bottom line. Nailing these modifiers is key—make sure you code them correctly!
Session Objectives
- The difference between modifiers 22, 52, and 53
- How to act quickly if hit with a denial for services with any of the modifiers
- What clinical documentation is needed when submitting an appeal
Session Highlights
- Your own ready-made appeals tool kit and letter you can submit immediately upon denial
- Parsing the fine line between mods 52 and 53
- Correct use of modifier 22 with regards to the diagnosis and procedure of CPT/HCPCS codes
Who Should Attend
- Physicians who code
- Midwives and mid-level providers
- Clinical nurse specialists
- Support clinical staff
- Coders
- Billers and dental insurance managers
- Office managers
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