Since its release in October 2016, Healthcare providers have been analyzing how the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
...Continue readingThe Customer is the Boss: Creating a Meaningful Relationship with your Boss
To thrive in the modern retail environment, attracting new customers is important, however more importantly is to retain existing customers.
...Continue readingThe Changing Face of Food Labeling and Nutritional Information: A look at the FDA’s Latest Efforts
The FDA, in an effort to provide consumers with more and better information on food products, requested public comments on
...Continue readingMetrics Assistance in Tracking Import and Export Compliance Performance
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or metrics are used by successful companies to calculate aspects of their performance. Usually, these KPI’s
...Continue readingFederal Laws on Service and Assistance Animal Accommodation
The American people are taking the saying “Happiness is a warm puppy,” quite seriously these days. They can also be
...Continue readingBasics of Implementing an Effective Sanitation Monitoring Program
Sanitation is one of the main components of food safety. It is a responsibility that foodservice providers should accept for
...Continue readingCyber Security and HIPAA Compliance
Almost every industry in the world has been attacked by hackers at some point in time. The healthcare industry has
...Continue readingThe Best Kept Secrets which Create the Exemplary Leaders of Tomorrow
We all need leaders at some point in our lives. Our parents show us the way from childhood and teach
...Continue readingISO 13485 Changes – What These Could Signify in the Future?
A few months back, certain changes to ISO 13485 2016 regulations were brought into effect. These changes aim to direct
...Continue readingReady for Overseas Expansion? Keep these Market Entry Strategies in Mind
International markets have the greatest potential for business growth, due to the cost advantages of overseas production, revenue opportunities from
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