The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released at set of Frequently Asked Questions about billing the Advance
...Continue readingManagement and Occupancy Review (MOR) Reloaded – How You Can Score a Good Rating This Time Around
MOR (Management and Occupancy Review) Inspections are usually conducted under regulatory directions from the HUD (Housing and Urban Development). This
...Continue readingCPT and ICD-10 Urinary Tract Stoma Coding Changes in 2017
There are a numerous changes to urology CPT® coding and ICD-10 post Oct 1, 2016 and in 2017. One of
...Continue readingCPT Coding for Laparoscopic and Robotic Procedures in 2017
With robotic-assistance, laparoscopic surgeons obtain technical advantages that include visual enhancements, dexterity and ergonomics. At first, customers may think they
...Continue readingManufacturing Day 2016 – Inspiring the Next Generation of Manufacturing Leaders
First held in 2012, Manufacturing Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October every year around the country. This
...Continue readingNCCI Edits: Top Ways to Collect When CCI Comes Calling
From time to time it seems like just as you’re preparing your practice for optimal coding efficiency, an untoward incident
...Continue readingMeasuring America – Manufacturing in the United States
The Economic Census is the Census Bureau’s most comprehensive source of information on American businesses and the economy. The Bureau’s
...Continue readingIndustrial Solvents Selection and the Hansen Solubility Parameters
The ubiquitous nature of solvents is much well known, there’s no way but to depend on them while applying pastes
...Continue readingConcurrent Delay Defense – How Project Owners Can Counter Contractor Defense
Pacing Delay has been a complex subject of discussion ever since it first came into existence. It is usually meant
...Continue readingOb-Gyn CPT Coding for Optimum Reimbursement in 2017
Gynecological Surgery physicians’ offices must have an in-depth knowledge of GYN surgical coding and billing guidance. Often gynecological coding involves
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